Just investing for the sake of it is not wise. Have a diversified portfolio to help you multiply your income and avail benefits from different schemes. You can always check out aggregator sites or talk to investment experts to know more.

Besides, it is always good to –

· Build and maintain an emergency fund

· Have no outstanding bills on loan or credit card

· Take advantage of employer-sponsored investment program etc.

Here are 4 important things to keep in mind when you invest.

Have a personal roadmap

Before you start putting your money into investments, it is important to draw out your financial needs and goals. You may either take the help of a family member or a financial adviser. This will help you put money in low-risk, high return investment eventually.

Long-term vs short-term investments

Now that you have identified your needs you can pick investment opportunities offering long-term and short-term gains. Compare and evaluate on aggregator sites to understand their unique differences and return on investments to help you make informed decision.

No risk investment

If are looking for a hassle-free investment and do not wish to put your money into various schemes you always have FD (fixed deposit). You can park a lump sum as low as Rs. 25,000 into the account and earn interest between 8.40-8.75% depending on your fixed. Down the line you may earn appreciable interest on the base rate such as upon renewal and if you are a senior citizen.