You cannot fool around millennials. Millennials are the people of Generation Y. They are the generational demographic cohort following Generation X. Generally, it is considered the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years of millennials. The women of this generation are extremely conscious about finance and investments. They are well aware of how to accumulate wealth to address the life goals accurately.

This is the reason why millennial women are inclined more towards FDs. The market volatility and the guaranteed returns are the main cause of choosing FD.

Here are some of the reasons why FD is better to choose over other investment options:

Higher Returns

Like most of the intellectual people, millennial women also prefer financial products that are offering high returns. Though many think FDs have a lower rate of interest, you must be aware that the new-age fixed deposits for women and from non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) offer higher returns.

Flexible tenor

Millennial women may need to take breaks for at least 2-3 years from work due to childbirth. This irregular source of income can be a problem for investors. But, they can invest in FDs, where they can enjoy flexible tenor of 12-60 months, to meet their liquidity needs.

Easy liquidated

FDs can be easily liquidated, that is they can be broken prior to maturity to get instant funds. So, millennial women can use the money for purchasing a home, saving for children’s higher education, planning one’s own retirement, vacations, buying home décor items, celebrating various life events with pomp and show, etc.